Your Clients Demand
Results from Their Data
Through LityxIQ and our valued Partners, customers get predictive insights and optimization at their fingertips for the most critical business decisions. As a Lityx Partner, you’re positioned to drive additional revenue quickly while deepening long-term client relationships.
Founded by PhD engineers with decades of industry experience, we deliver solid results to companies globally through consulting services and cutting-edge supply chain optimization products, having partnerships with key solver providers (FICO, Gurobi, and IBM), universities and U.S. Government agencies.
Services designed to deliver business transformation. Whether it’s consumer intelligence and identity, marketing analytics, using advanced analytics to solve unique marketing challenges, and constructing a winning marketing data & technology strategy, 444 Ignite is here to help you win.
Addressing the need for Responsible AI by bringing social value and business value together and making RAI accessible through equitable, transparent, interpretable, and privacy-compliant AI implementations.