This week’s roundup discusses why data science is an art, what we can learn from dogs about digital marketing, how SAS is responding to shifts in the analytics industry, and what the Toys “R” Us saga can teach us about analytic strategy.

Why Data Science Is An Art – And How To Support The People Who Do It

by Jabe Wilson, PhD, Consulting Director of Text and Data Analytics at Elsevier

In his recent talk at the Bio-IT World Conference (Bio-IT 18), Zen and the Art of Data Science Maintenance, Dr. Jabe Wilson used examples of data science undertaken at Elsevier to illustrate why data science is an art – and how best to support data scientists based on this insight.


7 Lessons Our Dogs Teach Us About Digital Marketing

by Denielle Kelley, Project Manager at Vertical Measures

It’s no secret we love our office pups. Their unique personalities and adorable faces brighten our day with each visit. But did you know we can also learn some very valuable lessons about digital marketing from them, too?


How SAS Is Responding To Shifts In The Analytics Industry

by Andrew Birmingham, Editor-In-Chief and Publisher of Which-50

For decades, SAS was the default statistical and analytics solution, requiring a must-have skill-set for a generation of data analysts. Which-50 asked SAS how it is adapting to the evolving analytics industry.


What Toys “R” Us Can Teach Us About Analytic Strategy

by Gib Bassett, Retail and Consumer Goods Customer Success Director at Salesforce, featured on LinkedIn

If you followed the Toys “R” Us saga, you know the company was ultimately undone by the amount of debt it simply could not carry anymore as it continued to struggle in a difficult retail environment. This article revisits some of the pitfalls that may have ultimately contributed to the retailer’s downfall and what we can learn from them.



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