This week’s roundup features articles discussing trends in machine learning and data science methods, how to employ a DataOps strategy to combat data silos, why a strong foundation is essential to your marketing automation program, and the top 5 differentiating skills of marketing analytics managers.
Top Machine Learning and Data Science Methods Used at Work
featured on Customer Think, by Bob Hayes, Scientist, Blogger and Author on CXM and Data Science
A recent survey by Kaggle revealed that data professionals used data visualization, logistic regression, cross-validation and decision trees more than other data science methods in 2017. Looking ahead to 2018, data professionals are most interested in deep learning (41%).
How DataOps Remove Analytics Silos and Increase Value
featured on CMS Wire, by Pierre DeBois, Founder of Zimana (Digital Analytics Consultancy)
A holistic understanding of the data flow within a business is crucial for optimizing the customer experience. So what can help managers get a handle on the data silos in their organizations? One answer may lie in DataOps, a group of methodologies meant to maintain a distributed data architecture. DataOps provide teams with a process framework to manage improvements in data quality and analysis.
Why Your Marketing Automation Isn’t Working and How to Fix It
featured on Tipp News Daily, by Mike McDermott, President of Bash Foo (Digital Marketing Agency)
Marketers, too often, seek out sophisticated marketing automation software under the impression that all digital marketing tasks, including those needed to generate new leads, can be done through marketing automation. This misconception leaves many marketers with sophisticated tools that automate the middle of their funnel, but limited means for generating new leads.
5 Must-have Skills of a Marketing Analytics Manager
featured on MarTech Advisor, by Paroma Sen, Senior Features Writer at MarTech Advisor
As CMOs transform themselves into data-driven marketers, the demand for marketing analytics managers is increasing. But what does this role really involve? Sure, the usual comfort level with statistics, the tools and platforms to transform the data and the familiarity with business math is a given. But here are the 4 key skills that will make you a crucial member of the digital CMOs team.
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