Unpacking the “black box” to build better AI models
By Adam Zewe, contributing writer for News.mit.edu
When deep learning models are deployed in the real world, perhaps to detect financial fraud from credit card activity or identify cancer in medical images, they are often able to outperform humans.
Deciphering data science and machine learning
By Paul Mah, contributing writer for Cdotrends.com
We often hear data science mentioned in the same breath as machine learning. While they are distinct, the two fields are also closely intertwined.
How big data analytics will transform casinos
By Industry Trends, contributing writers for Analyticsinsight.net
As one of the world’s most cutthroat markets, it is no surprise that the casino business has jumped on the big data analytics bandwagon. Casinos may improve their tracking of consumer behavior, learn more about their patrons’ requirements and preferences, and streamline their operations using big data analytics. Notably, some of the casinos reviewed on SF Gate are utilizing big data analytics to tailor their offering to suit specific customers. The article takes an in-depth look into how casinos utilize big data analytics to streamline their operations.
10 ways entrepreneurs can leverage machine learning to elevate their business
By Prabhat Sharma, contributing writer for Forbes.com
We’ve seen no shortage of impressive technological developments over the last few decades. However, few are more exciting or have more potential to transform life as we know it than machine learning (ML).
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