Using machine learning to improve student success in higher education 

By Claudio Brasca, Nikhil Kaithwal, Charag Krishnan, Monatrice Lam, Jonathan Law, and Varun Marya, contributing writers for 

Many higher-education institutions are now using data and analytics as an integral part of their processes. Whether the goal is to identify and better support pain points in the student journey, more efficiently allocate resources, or improve student and faculty experience, institutions are seeing the benefits of data-backed solutions. 


10 tips for getting started with decision intelligence 

By Maria Korolov, contributing writer for 

For organizations looking to move beyond stale reports, decision intelligence holds promise, giving them the ability to process large amounts of data with a sophisticated mix of tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform data dashboards and business analytics into more comprehensive decision support platforms. 


Predictive analytics and Machine Learning crucial to “green” energy 

By Dominic Ellis, contributing writer for 

Predictive analytics and Machine Learning (ML) have a critical role to play in energy decarbonization, according to a new report from data specialists. 


Does this artificial intelligence think like a human? 

By Adam Zewe, contributing writer for 

In machine learning, understanding whya model makes certain decisions is often just as important as whether those decisions are correct. For instance, a machine-learning model might correctly predict that a skin lesion is cancerous, but it could have done so using an unrelated blip on a clinical photo. 


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