This week we learn about the pitfalls of applying artificial intelligence (AI) to big data and what capabilities marketers need from their MarTech providers. We examine the impact that updating your infrastructure can have, and how machine learning (ML) is changing the world of education. And finally, we highlight the value of marketing measurement for B2C marketers and illustrate how B2B organizations can better take advantage.

Beware the Pitfalls of Applying AI to Big Data

by William Choi and Mat Hughes, featured on 

AI is being applied to data in order to answer a broad spectrum of questions for organizations. But most observational data is “dirty,” and whether or not AI recognizes this depends on the care taken to address data biases. Read about the types of data biases, real-world examples of them at work, and recommendations on how to avoid them. 


The Value of Marketing Measurement for B2C Marketers

by Gary Robinson for 

Effective marketing measurement and optimization are hard, and without the right tools, nearly impossible. This is likely why 33 percent of B2B marketers don’t measure marketing ROI. But technology can help. The data is there, you just need the tools to help make it usable and actionable.


Tech-Driven Marketing: Four Capabilities Marketers Need Today 

by Paul Iaffaldano, contributing writer for 

Marketing is an art and a science. Today, we have more access than ever before to data and have an immense ability to parse and analyze that data. This allows marketers to know more about consumer behavior, preference, and purchasing patterns than ever before. The ‘art’ of it comes down to transforming these insights into a compelling campaign. MarTech allows access to this data so the process is possible. Here are four capabilities that marketers need from their technology partners.


Infrastructure Is Sexy!

by Benjamin Yerxa, PhD, contributing writer for

Changing infrastructure, especially of an established organization, can be scary and overwhelming. But, it can be worth it. What once was cumbersome and took days to do can be replaced by systems and tools that work seamlessly together to provide instantaneous access to data. Read this author’s experience changing the infrastructure for Foundation Fighting Blindness.


How Is Machine Learning Changing The World Of Education?

by Jack Buckley via Quora featured on

ML and AI in personalized learning are mostly used to improve efficiency and potential optimization of instruction. Coupling ML and AI with a system of formative assessment and the use of predictive analytics, may be able to tell teachers what the best lesson is on a student-by-student basis and identify students that need more attention, saving time and increasing learning.



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