In this week’s roundup, learn which soft skills workers will need in the future of artificial intelligence (AI), how AI is advancing discoveries in particle physics, and why CIOs are prioritizing AI technologies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we look at how AI is expanding access to mental healthcare as well as enabling the physical protection of data centers. 

9 Soft Skills Every Employee Will Need In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

By Bernard Marr, contributing writer for

A keen understanding of data technologies is becoming increasingly important for anyone working in the age of AI. However, a sole focus on data won’t serve employees well. Humans will still need strong soft skills in areas where AI falls short. For example, as AI focuses on data modeling and automation, human workers should ensure they are strong in areas such as leadership and emotional intelligence.


Artificial Intelligence Enhances Speed of Discoveries For Particle Physics

By Daniel Nelson, contributing writer for

A new report by MIT researchers shows that AI can help create faster algorithms that advance understanding of theoretical physics. The researchers combined machine learning models with principles of physics, which will allow for much faster computations and new discoveries in the field of physics.


How AI Is Used in Data Center Physical Security Today

By  Maria Korolov, contributing writer for

Data centers not only have to contend with data-storage security, but also with physical security. AI is contributing to both types of security, but the aspects of physical security are less known. For instance, AI technologies are helping data centers with image and sound recognition, detection of anomalies, and predictive analytics.


Companies are Doubling Down on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Due to the Pandemic

By Esther Shein, contributing writer for

The global coronavirus pandemic has made CIOs reevaluate their investments in AI and machine learning (ML). A recent survey of IT leaders shows that 65 percent considered these technologies a top priority before the pandemic, but now they believe investing in AI and ML is more important than ever. Experts say that companies that invest in AI and ML now will have a leg up on the competition in a post-pandemic world.


Expanding Access to Mental Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence

By Jessica Kent, contributing writer for

Experts are finding that mental health issues are being augmented by the current financial crisis and pandemic. More people are lacking healthcare coverage and access to providers is more challenging. University of Chicago researchers are tackling the problem with an AI-powered virtual therapist that can help people develop problem-solving skills at home without the barriers of traditional healthcare.


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