This week, we learn how AI will make your nonprofit organization smarter. We also discovered a list of the top eight machine learning certifications for marketers. We share an article from Forbes on how prescriptive analytics may be the key to better higher education curriculum and discuss the impact of AI and automation on future jobs. And finally, we consider how AI-based email marketing can increase your ROI.

Artificial Intelligence Will Make Your Nonprofit Smarter

by Otis Fulton and Katrina VanHuss, contributing writers for

Artificial Intelligence helps you find and interact with supporters by taking enormous amounts of data and making it actionable. 30 percent of a person’s response to a situation is due to their disposition, while 70 percent is due to the situation. This is where AI comes in to play. Using a nonprofit’s database, AI allows the nonprofit to deliver a message tailored to an individual in a way and at a time that makes it most likely that they will respond positively. Learn more about how implementing AI in this way can make your organization smarter.


Top 8 Machine Learning Certifications for Marketers

by Chiradeep BasuMallick, staff writer for

If you’ve been reading our weekly roundups for a while, you’ve seen countless articles indicating that machine learning is a game-changer. According to Google, nearly three-quarters of business owners believe that machine learning and automation are key to marketing success. However, skill gaps and limited technical talent could be an obstacle. Over 40 percent of enterprises do not have the skills necessary in-house to implement and support AI and machine learning projects. In this article, find eight of the best machine learning courses to help you acquire fresh skills, listed from the most basic to the most advanced.


Leveraging the Predictive-To-Prescriptive Analytics Paradigm Shift In Higher Education

by Jim Milton, contributing writer for

There is a skills gap between the qualifications and experience of today’s workforce. Higher education institutions are being looked to in order to fill this gap. One way they’re addressing this is through using predictive analytics in the decision-making process. But it can be taken a step further by using prescriptive analytics to ensure student success and maximize employability. For example, using prescriptive analytics to build an adaptive learning program to customize learning resources based on the student’s individual need. It can also provide customized recommendations for the courses a student needs to fulfill their individual degree program while also ensuring they attain the skills needed for a chosen profession. This is all with the goal to connect the dots between individual students and their academic path and job market aspirations.


Automation, AI Impact: The Future of Work

by Jessica Davis, commentary for

As automation and AI continue to be adopted by organizations, will we be replaced by computers and out of a job? Neil Walker-Neveras aimed to answer that question in the session, The Future of Work: Technology, Machines, and Humans, at Interop 2019. “Don’t panic,” he says. It’s less about replacement and more about augmentation. Technology will be best suited for certain tasks, but there will always be a need for human-powered work. Plus, jobs will be created and the need for technology-related skills will grow as a result of this technology.


How AI-Based Email Marketing Can Increase ROI: Expert Perspectives

by Merilyn Pereira, contributing writer for

Most marketers agree that the three most common challenges for a successful email marketing strategy are increasing engagement, increasing conversions, and increasing lead generation. For many companies, the sheer volume of subscriber and consumer data makes it nearly impossible to succeed without a little tech help. If optimized with Artificial Intelligence, you’ll likely see your email marketing channel greatly improve ROI. From a high level of personalization to sending out emails based on individual subscriber preferences, learn how an AI-based strategy can take your email marketing to the next level.



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