In this week’s roundup, today’s leadership is being challenged to develop new skills in the intelligence revolution. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used for early detection of osteoarthritis, to decode molecular movements, and to greatly improve recruitment for companies. Lastly, small data is being transformed into big data for average-sized companies to allow them to automate using machine learning (ML).

10 Essential Leadership Qualities For The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

By Bernard Marr, contributing writer for

AI and automation have caused an intelligence revolution. Ensuring you’re tapping into the right technologies, learning how to use AI, and avoiding ethical issues are all important business considerations. This requires business leaders to possess a slightly different skillset, and to adapt the way business is run today and moving forward. Learn the ten leadership skills one should possess as a leader in the intelligence revolution.


Researchers Use Artificial Intelligence Language Tools To Decode Molecular Movements

By University of Maryland for

As the first time a machine learning algorithm has been applied to biomolecular dynamics in this way, University of Maryland scientists have created an abstract language that describes the multiple shapes a protein molecule can take and how and when it transitions from one shape to another. This method may also provide insights that can help advance AI. Learn about this groundbreaking research and its implications.


Robotic Interviews, Machine Learning And the Future Of Workforce Recruitment

By Prasad Rajappan, contributing writer for

AI is quickly becoming embedded in our lives in so many aspects, especially within our careers. It’s no surprise to see machine learning and deep learning making their way into the human resources (HR) world, including affecting the way HR professionals onboard, hire, and train employees. This article covers four ways HR is impacted by the use of AI.


Machine Learning Detects Early Signs of Osteoarthritis

By Tianna Hicklin, PhD., contributing writer for

Despite the incredible advancement of modern medicine, there is no single test for osteoarthritis and it is typically diagnosed after substantial damage has already occurred. A research team investigated whether AI could be used to analyze MRI images for early signs of osteoarthritis and predict who will develop the disease. Earlier diagnosis could allow for early interventions to prevent cartilage deterioration and bone damage.


The Secrets of Small Data: How Machine Learning Finally Reached The Enterprise

by Jiang Chen and Li Yiu, contributing writers for

While “big data” has been all the rage over the past decade, most companies are limited to “small data.” They possess a few dozen examples of the processes they want to automate using machine learning (ML). Through the transfer learning and collective learning techniques, small data can be transformed into big data, allowing average-sized companies to benefit from ML that was previously unavailable to them.


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