This week’s roundup discusses how to overcome the most common analytics challenges, why your ‘data-driven’ tactics could be doing more harm than good, what advanced analytics leaders are doing differently to get ahead, and how progressive stages of advanced analytics impact marketing campaign ROI.
4 Challenges With Leveraging Analytics — And How To Overcome Them
by Forbes Insights, featured on Forbes
To fully capitalize on the potential of modern analytics strategies, enterprises must balance a complex mix of technical, organizational and cultural requirements. With this complexity come possible roadblocks that can hinder efforts to gain competitive advantage and also dilute returns on investments. Here are the four challenges most frequently faced by global enterprises and how you can overcome each one.
Why Being Data-Driven Is A Dangerous Catch Phrase
by Andrew White, Research VP & Agenda Manager for MDM and Analytics at Gartner, featured on Which-50
To be data-driven is a dangerous catch phrase. Data, or even technology, for its own sake without a clear line of sight to an outcome- social or business- is a terrible waste. We must train ourselves to stop talking about data and analytics, and about being data-driven, and talk more about how a business operates, behaves and changes (using better data). The emphasis is not on data (or analytics). More verb than noun…Get it?
5 Tactics That Separate Analytics Leaders From Followers
by Forbes Insights, featured on Forbes
Simply spending money for the latest and greatest analytics technologies doesn’t guarantee business success. This business reality helps explain the gap between leading analytics practitioners and companies that are struggling to keep up. So, what are advanced analytics leaders doing differently to reap impressive gains from their efforts?
The Revenue Impact of Using Advanced Analytics to Drive Better Performing Marketing Campaigns
by Andrea Steffes-Tuttle, Director of Marketing at Lityx
We recently partnered with Concord Direct to present a webinar titled Marketers vs. Machines: Can Your Experience Beat Our Models. The presentation walked through a realistic example of how varying stages of advanced analytics can be applied to marketing campaigns in order to impact bottom-line revenue. We thought the data was so compelling, that we wanted to share the results.
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