This week’s roundup discusses when and how to use machine learning, the two types of business intelligence, how to leverage big data and analytics to drive B2B marketing strategy, and what nonprofit marketers can learn from their for-profit counterparts.

Big Data + AI: Context, Trust, and Other Key Secrets to Success

by Doug Bordonaro, Chief Data Evangelist at ThoughtSpot, featured on InfoWorld

Machine learning today, like AI in general, is both incredibly smart and incredibly dumb. It can look through vast amounts of data with great speed and accuracy, identifying patterns and connections that might have gone unnoticed before, but it does so without the broader context and awareness that people take for granted.


What Are the Two Types of Business Intelligence?

by Anjali UJ, MBA-MS Student and Big Data Enthusiast, featured on Analytics Insight

There is a cloud of debate among decision makers in business over which type of business intelligence they should adopt. Strategic business intelligence improves a business process by analyzing a predetermined set of data relevant to that process and provides historical context of the data. Operational business intelligence is associated with the transactional or operational data source and is consistent with reporting data during organizational processes. So, which should you use in a given scenario?


Leveraging Big Data and Analytics to Drive B2B Marketing Strategy

by Kevin Cunningham, CEO at MRP, featured on MarTech Advisor

Consumer-facing companies have had a head start in leveraging analytics to increase marketing ROI, but they aren’t the only marketers who can benefit; B2B companies have also seen great success using data-driven marketing strategies. The art of analytics comes from combining different sources and being able to distill billions of data points into actionable, revenue-generating outcomes quickly and effectively.


What Nonprofit Marketers Can Learn from Their For-Profit Counterparts on Attracting Donors

by Gary Robinson, COO of Lityx, and Marianne Pelletier, Managing Director of Staupell Analytics Group

While there are fundamental differences between the business models of nonprofits and for-profit organizations, there are many parallels that can be drawn between the strategic objectives of both types of organizations, particularly when it comes to marketing. And direct response marketing is becoming a larger part of fundraising efforts because of the advent of increasingly technical giving platforms, especially through the Internet.



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