3 Important ML ideas to dominate 2023

By Devansh, contributing writer for Medium.com

Machine Learning has hit extreme popularity recently. With so much going on at all times, it can be hard to figure out what ideas you should be learning about. This gets even more complicated when you remember that a lot of the trending technologies (ChatGPT, AI Art, etc.) all have multiple techniques and ideas built into them. For a beginner to understand these techniques at any meaningful depth with no prior knowledge would be impossible.


Decision intelligence changes operations across industries

By Lisa Morgan, contributing writer for Techtarget.com

The core focus of analytics has been to enable data-informed decisions, but siloed data and analytics without an enterprise-wide view can limit effectiveness. Modern decision intelligence is all about driving better decisions, faster and at scale with the help of AI.


Predictive analytics in drug development: state of play

By Urtė Fultinavičiūtė, contributing writer for Clinicaltrialsarena.com

Scientific and technological advancements continue to shake the conservative nature of the pharmaceutical industry. Newer technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to improve patient identification, adherence and retention, and the development of digital biomarkers. Today, complementary approaches that have been around for some time, such as predictive analytics, continue to solidify and expand their uses in drug development and clinical trial design.


The use of ML for demand forecasting in a volatile market

By Guido Cocchi, contributing writer for Sdcexec.com

Beyond being used to solve conventional challenges such as delivery lead time, transport costs, inventory waste or poor decision-making, ML can even predict users’ intent through cognitive search.


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