In this week’s roundup, we examine the many ways artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to improve the world, including environmental concerns such as global warming and depleted coral reefs as well as human issues such as poverty and healthcare. We also look at how COVID-19 is rapidly advancing AI and why we need to encourage an unimpeded flow of data for the good of all. 

10 Wonderful Examples of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good

by Bernard Marr, contributing writer to

As AI disrupts industries across the globe, it’s important to look at both the potential pitfalls and the tremendous opportunities to use it for good. AI has shown potential for helping to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges, including environmental concerns such as climate change and wildlife conservation. AI also has promise for improving outcomes for humans, such as advanced cancer screening, augmented tools for people with disabilities, and reducing poverty and inequality.


Coronavirus Will Finally Give Artificial Intelligence Its Moment

by Tae Kim, contributing writer for

The novel coronavirus has forced millions of companies to take their businesses online, and that massive flee to the cloud is precisely what was needed to make significant advancements in AI. These advancements are happening symbiotically as more and more companies need advanced analytics in order to survive. Industries such as e-commerce, healthcare, and remote work technologies stand to benefit most from the progress in AI technologies.


Robot Divers Could Use Artificial Intelligence to Save Coral Reefs: NOAA

by Jeff McMahon, contributing writer for

Biologies have long used stopgap measures such as zip ties and PVC pipe to try and encourage growth on decimated coral reefs. But a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association shows that AI-powered aquatic robots might be able to save these fragile and threatened ecosystems much faster and more efficiently than humans.


Impede the Motion of Data and You Impede Innovation

by Ravi Naik, contributing writer for

In 2020, it’s imperative that every business place a focus on data and consider how it moves within and around their company. The author argues that we must stop thinking of large amounts of data as “data lakes” and reframe them as rivers that are constantly moving and intertwining, thus providing deeper insights into company functions. This article uses the example of self-driving car companies and how they would all benefit to share certain data to improve their technologies.


How Intelligent Is Your AI?

by Michael Wade, Amit Joshi, Mark J. Greevan, Robert Hooijbert, and Shlomo Ben-Hur, contributing writers for

The authors of this article investigate what actually constitutes AI and how many companies that think they are using AI really aren’t. They define four key characteristics of genuine AI—observation, analysis, and iteration—and look at whether different technologies should be considered AI or not.


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