This week, we share four ways that artificial intelligence (AI) can augment human capabilities. We hear about how a band used machine learning to create their newest album and the fascinating development process it required. We consider whether or not we’re currently in a new wave of the cloud. We learn nine ways AI and robotics can improve the customer experience. And finally, we examine a new major gift timetable for nonprofit organizations.

Four Ways AI Can Augment Human Capabilities

by Jai Vijayan, contributing writer for

Artificial Intelligence adds the most value to businesses by harnessing technology to support decision-making, improve efficiencies, and enable new applications. The way this is done most effectively is to use AI to augment and enhance existing capabilities, rather than automating away human jobs. Combining humans and machines is the path forward. 


How YACHT Used Machine Learning to Create Their New Album

by Nathan Matisse, contributing writer for

Dance punk band YACHT has spent the last three years writing a new album through a machine learning generated process. They tapped into the technology to find melodies hidden in between songs from their back catalog. It was far from a quick, easy, automatic process. Thousands of clips needed to be coded and inputted. A musician’s mind had to string it all together. But, as lead singer Claire Evans notes, “I don’t know if we could’ve written [the album] ourselves—[the technology] took a risk maybe we aren’t willing to.” This article is a must-read about this fascinating project.


Cloud 2.0: A New Era for Public Cloud

by Crystal Bedell, contributing writer for

Currently, only 20 percent of workloads are running in the cloud today. Yet some say we’re in the cloud 2.0 wave, where cloud is not just an option, it’s a reality. But there is still a lot of growth to be had–and 2019 may be the ideal year for growth. With new technologies and cloud offerings available by the day, the impetus for cloud adoption is stronger than ever before. To better integrate cloud into their organizations, companies are shifting the way they manage the IT function, and how developers work to take advantage of the cloud environment. Learn how.


9 Innovative AI and Robotics Ideas to Improve Customer Experience

by Vandita Grover, contributing writer

Customer Experience (CX) is the most important element of an organization’s business strategy. But it can also be the most challenging. Why? Market dynamics and varying customer expectations make it difficult for marketers to pinpoint customer wants and needs. Thinking differently is the key to maintain and improve the customer experience. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics are two technologies that can help you innovate and improve your CX strategy. Here are nine ways you can use them to do just that.


New Major Gift Program Timetable

by Richard Perry, contributing writer for 

It’s a common belief within nonprofit organizations that major gifts can save the day. And while this isn’t untrue, there is a misconception of how long it will actually take. This type of relationship-building takes longer than other traditional forms of direct marketing, as it’s important that the result is “mutually satisfying.” Meaning, the donor and recipient must both feel good about the transaction, which just takes time. Find out how long the major gift process actually takes, and the five reasons why. 



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