In this week’s roundup, learn how infusing machine learning models with inductive biases can capture human behavior. Plus, top ways to boost creative campaigns with AI. Also, discover how AI and data science can help your business thrive. And finally, solving for AI bias, creating emotional AI, and democratizing AI – all with synthetic data. 

Infusing machine learning models with inductive biases to capture human behavior 

By Ingrid Fadelli, contributing writer for 

Human decision-making is often difficult to predict and delineate theoretically. Nonetheless, in recent decades, several researchers have developed theoretical models aimed at explaining decision-making, as well as machine learning (ML) models that try to predict human behavior. Despite the achievements associated with some of these models, accurately predicting human decisions remains a significant research challenge. 


How You Can Boost Creative Campaigns with Artificial Intelligence 

By Clare Clifford, contributing writer for 

Creative is an inherently human endeavor. The imagery and psychology behind advertising is all predicated on how it will relate to consumers on an emotional level. But that doesn’t mean it can’t benefit from a little AI ingenuity. An integral part of creative strategies is personalization, but there’s no need to manually produce multiple versions of the same campaign to test on varying audiences. 


How artificial intelligence and data analytics can help businesses thrive 

By Ashwin Mittal, contributing writer for 

Amid the constant disruption from unlikely competitors and changes in the industry occurring in faster and shorter cycles, time to market is constantly shrinking. To run a business and navigating this complexity in the present day and age, managers need relevant information and insights that can help understand the intended target audience, and their needs and preferences. 


How To Solve AI’s Bias Problem, Create Emotional AIs, And Democratize AI With Synthetic Data 

By Bernard Marr, contributing writer for 

AI has the potential to change the world in many amazing ways. But like every revolution, it requires fuel. It’s long been said that “data is the oil of the information age,” and that’s certainly true in many ways. But while data is a less finite resource than actual oil, it does come with some challenges. 


AI & Machine Learning: Substance Behind the Hype?  

By Drew Robb, contributing writer for 

It’s become inevitable in IT. Something new appears on the horizon and the hype machine ramps up to warp speed as it drafts a new term into its sales and marketing patter. In some cases, companies relabel their existing wares to align with the new term without making any actual change to the product. 


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