In this week’s roundup, learn how machine learning (ML) is being used to track disease-carrying mosquitoes and how CPG companies are using the technology to build on customer gains during the pandemic. Understand how artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied to the financial sector and how academic fraud within AI research papers is an issue. Finally, consider what society would look like if AI displaces the human workforce.

Scientists Use Machine-Learning Approach to Track Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes

By Utah State University, contributor for

Not only are they annoying, but mosquitoes transmit deadly diseases. A new study using a machine learning approach examines the genetic connectivity of the Aedes aegypti species and how it adapts to new landscapes as it expands. A machine learning model and NASA-supplied satellite imagery is used so that spatial and genetic data are combined. This allows researchers to drill down into specific movement of mosquitos. 


How Banks Are Harnessing Artificial Intelligence

By Fiona Collie, contributing writer for

Many sectors are tapping into the power of AI to do better business and the financial sector is no exception. Financial services firms are using AI to create smart trading platforms and identify client needs. Dive deeper into these two applications and learn what must be in place for successful implementation.


The AI Research Paper Was Real. The ‘Coauthor’ Wasn’t

by Will Knight, contributing writer for

An AI lab director was scanning an online computer science bibliography when he noticed his name was listed as an author on two research papers. Upon opening one of the documents, he also saw his own picture. The problem? The papers were not his work. He was part of academic fraud—an unfortunately common problem. Learn more about this phenomenon, why it is happening, and understand the negative implications of this practice.


Kellogg Leverages ‘Next Generation Data & Analytics,’ Machine Learning to Maintain, Build on Customer Gains During Pandemic

By Elizabeth Crawford, contributing writer for

Food and beverage companies face pressure to maintain and continue to engage customers gained during the pandemic. Kellogg is doing this by building and deploying global, purposeful next-generation data and analytics capabilities. They are combining granular analytics data with AI to deliver personalized and automatically optimized ads that activate their customers. And it’s working. Sales have increased while marketing costs have decreased.


Artificial Intelligence And The End Of Work

By Rob Toews, contributing writer for

When AI is discussed in the workplace, it is always said that the role of the technology is to augment, not replace, the human workforce. But this author argues that we must get more clear-eyed on the situation. After all, AI’s core promise is that it will do things more accurately, cheaply, and quickly than humans can do them. And while this might be a scary thought, this article considers what the reality of society might look like if and when that happens.



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