IT + Data Science, Storytelling + Personalized Marketing Automation, Machine Learning + Fairness, and MoreBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00November 12th, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on IT + Data Science, Storytelling + Personalized Marketing Automation, Machine Learning + Fairness, and More
Machine Learning: Creativity Impact, Business Intelligence, Healthcare, an Interactive ML Tour, and MoreBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00November 4th, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on Machine Learning: Creativity Impact, Business Intelligence, Healthcare, an Interactive ML Tour, and More
Data Bias in AI, Infrastructure, B2B Marketing Measurement, ML in Education, and Desired Marketing CapabilitiesBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00October 28th, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on Data Bias in AI, Infrastructure, B2B Marketing Measurement, ML in Education, and Desired Marketing Capabilities
The Value of Marketing Measurement for B2C MarketersBy Gary Robinson|2019-10-24T07:01:26+00:00October 24th, 2019|Categories: Optimization|Read MoreComments Off on The Value of Marketing Measurement for B2C Marketers
Recession-Proof Fundraising with AI, AI and the Holidays, Edge Computing, and Automated Machine LearningBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00October 21st, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on Recession-Proof Fundraising with AI, AI and the Holidays, Edge Computing, and Automated Machine Learning
Shaping Nonprofit With Tech, Data Curation, Digital Transformation in Grocery, Garbage Data, and MoreBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00October 14th, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on Shaping Nonprofit With Tech, Data Curation, Digital Transformation in Grocery, Garbage Data, and More
AI and ML: Content Management, Benefits, Production, Data Quality Automation, and MoreBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00October 7th, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on AI and ML: Content Management, Benefits, Production, Data Quality Automation, and More
Analytic Process Automation | A Case Study with Livable CommunitiesBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00October 2nd, 2019|Categories: Lityx Insights, Marketing Analytics, Nonprofit, Predictive Analytics|Read MoreComments Off on Analytic Process Automation | A Case Study with Livable Communities
Data: Stories, Time, Peer-to-Peer Donor Personas, the CDO Role Evolution, and MoreBy Andrea Steffes-Tuttle|2020-03-25T16:04:47+00:00October 1st, 2019|Categories: Weekly Roundup|Read MoreComments Off on Data: Stories, Time, Peer-to-Peer Donor Personas, the CDO Role Evolution, and More